Supporting young people to achieve independence
Our services are as unique and diverse as the young people we support.
Young people joining our supported accommodation services come to us at a critical time in their lives. They have turned 16 and are already on their journey towards adulthood. However, many of our young people have not benefited from a stable home, or a settled family life and do not have the skills they will need to survive and thrive as adults.
Next Step Independence have worked extensively with young people who present with behaviours which have challenged the services they have previously received. We have developed services which are sympathetic to a basic need to feel safe and settled, whilst also ensuring that young people develop the confidence to learn the independent skills they will need going forward.
Each home is staffed at all times, giving young people the reassurance of someone being there for them. They will have an individual package which reflects their current need, and is regularly reviewed to ensure that as skills and abilities improve, levels of support are reduced to encourage independence.