Our homes

More than just a place to live

Find out more about our homes and their wonderful settings

All our homes are Ofsted Registered.

Each home is beautifully decorated and furnished through out.  They are designed to feel ‘homely’, warm and welcoming and to provide a safe, accepting and nurturing environment for our children and young people.

They have all the home comforts you’d find in your home, and each home has an experienced home manager and a dedicate core team who provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Take a moment to view our homes and for more detailed information on each home, please request the Statement of Purpose at info@nextstepindependence.co.uk  or to talk in more detail please call us on 07387 416924.

Our Supported Accommodation Ofsted URN is 2765919.


Take a moment to view our beautiful homes located in Mid and South Devon
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Take a moment to view our beautiful homes located in North Somerset
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Take a moment to view our beautiful homes located in Swindon and Wiltshire.
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